Women and Violent Radicalization in Jordan
Sub-Categories: Countering Violent Extremism, Early Warning, Human Development, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), Violent Extremism
Country: Jordan
Region: Middle East and North Africa
Year: 2016
Citation: UN Women and the Jordanian National Commission for Women. Women and Violent Radicalization in Jordan. Report. March 2016
Executive Summary
This study aims to understand how women and men define “radicalization” and “violent extremism” in Jordanian communities and examine their attitudes and behavior regarding the phenomena. The study aims to evaluate whether or not there is a risk of radicalization for women and girls in Jordan and whether or not there are different “push and pull” factors for women and girls versus men and boys. The research also focused on understanding whether or not women’s places in their communities give them a unique position to observe or take part in either the radicalization or deradicalization process. It also aims to evaluate whether or not ongoing or planned deradicalization efforts by governmental and non-governmental organizations targeting Jordan are gender sensitive.