Women on the Move in a Changing Climate
A discussion paper on gender, climate & mobility
Sub-Categories: Climate and Environment
Region: No Region
Year: 2018
Citation: Sierra Club and UN Women. Women on the Move in a Changing Climate A Discussion Paper on Gender, Climate & Mobility. Report. December 2018.
Executive Summary
This discussion paper is an initial analysis of the main issues relating to climate change, human mobility, and gender. It examines the gender-based differences with regard to the needs, challenges, roles, decision-making responsibilities and leadership in the context of climate-related mobility. The paper also amplifies the often neglected voices and leadership of women on the move by offering stories of three women, from the Philippines, Colombia, and the United States, respectively.
This discussion paper is organized into four sections. Current evidence on gender-related dynamics, challenges, and opportunities of climate-related mobility are synthesized through a literature review in Section Two, while Section Three presents stories of women leaders in the face of climate-related mobility. Section Four presents a landscape of international policy areas related to the issues of climate, mobility, and gender equality. Finally, Section Five offers some reflection on better understanding the gender dimensions of climate-related mobility to enhance gender-responsive policy implementation where relevant.