Women, Peace, and Security Mandates for UN Peacekeeping Operations
Assessing Influence and Impact
Sub-Categories: Democratization and Political Participation, Human Development, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), UN Resolutions
Region: No Region
Year: 2021
Citation: Sharland, Lisa. "Women, Peace, and Security Mandates for UN Peacekeeping Operations: Assessing Influence and Impact." International Peace Institute. January 2021.
Executive Summary
Peacekeeping mission mandates now routinely include language on women, peace, and security (WPS). Most mandates include language on protection of women from physical violence and human rights abuses; preventing and responding to sexual and gender-based violence; participation of women in political processes and institutions; or gender as a crosscutting issue. Other language is directed at peacekeeping missions themselves, including provisions on increasing the participation of women in peacekeeping; providing resources to support women’s protection and the integration of gender considerations; and reporting on WPS.
If UN member states are to strengthen the language on WPS in peacekeeping mandates, it is essential to understand how this language gets to be included. In terms of the process, proposing language early in the Security Council mandating process and facilitating engagement between country experts and WPS experts in member states’ permanent missions can increase the likelihood that WPS language is incorporated. The substance of the language also matters. Informal consultations to understand the needs of women affected by conflict can help ensure that mandates are more gender-responsive.