Women Survivors, Lost Children and Traumatized Masculinities
The Phenomena of Rape and War in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Sub-Categories: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), Sexual and Reproductive Health
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Year: 2013
Citation: Trenholm, Jill. "Women Survivors, Lost Children and Traumatized Masculinities: The Phenomena of Rape and War in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo." Thesis, Uppsala University, 2013.
This thesis aims to investigate the phenomenon of war rape in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in order to understand the dynamics, contextual realities and consequences of its perpetration. Practical and theoretical knowledge is generated which is relevant for health care interventions, humanitarian assistance, and peace initiatives, that are cognizant of the actual needs of the affected populations.
The study employed ethnographic methodology involving prolonged engagement with the field, participant observation, formal and informal interviews, keeping of field notes and the continuous practice of reflexivity. The four papers in this thesis represent formal interviews with participants from three distinct groups: local leaders (Paper I), ex-child soldier boys (Paper II) and women survivors of sexual violence (Paper III & IV).