Women Waging War and Peace: International Perspectives on Women’s Roles in Conflict and Post-conflict Reconstruction
Sub-Categories: Democratization and Political Participation, National Security Forces and Armed Groups, Peacemaking, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)
Country: Eritrea, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Chechnya, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, United States, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey, Haiti, Dominican Republic
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Year: 2011
Citation: Cheldelin, Sandra I. and Maneshka Eliatamby, eds. Women Waging War and Peace: International Perspectives on Women’s Roles in Conflict and Post-conflict Reconstruction. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011.
This collection of essays explores the role of women as they participate in both conflict and peacemaking. The essays, contributed by scholars and practitioners from around the world, do not look at women as victims or perpetrators, but instead examine their behavior in conflict zones and their involvement in conflict how it affects them, how they are active participants, and the initiatives they take in intervention, conflict resolution, and peace building. The book thus demonstrates remarkable cases of agency, where women were the authors of change. This may happen in a violent way, as with female suicide bombers or the Black Widows of Chechnya, or women may actively help to stop conflict or participate in peacebuilding activities, as they did in Rwanda or Liberia. The thematically organized chapters cover issues of women waging war, women intervening in war, women waging peace, and women sustaining peace, all substantiated with case studies and first hand accounts. Women Waging War and Peace will be an essential resource to anyone researching conflict processes and women’s agency.