
Barriers, remedies and good practices on women’s access to justice

Authored by: Council of Europe

Categories: Human Rights
Sub-Categories: Access to Justice and Rule of Law
Country: Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine
Region: Europe and Eurasia
Year: 2023
Citation: Council of Europe. Barriers, remedies and good practices on women’s access to justice. COE, 2023.

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Executive Summary

Policy-makers, judges, prosecutors, legal professionals, as well as representatives of academia and civil society can now benefit from updated national studies “Barriers, remedies and good practices on women’s access to justice” for Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine.

The studies were first prepared in 2017 and updated in 2023 with the aim to identify and support the removal of obstacles to women’s access to justice in these four Eastern Partnership countries, as well as to strengthen the capacity of national authorities to ensure that the justice chain is more gender-responsive.

All four studies now feature an outline of positive developments that have occurred in the countries since their first publication, such as the ratification of the Istanbul Convention by the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine, but also the negative consequences of unforeseen events, namely the global Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine.