
Gender and migration

Authored by: Migration Data Portal

Categories: Human Rights
Sub-Categories: Migration
Region: No Region
Year: 2024
Citation: Migration Data Portal. "Gender and migration." Migration Data Portal, 2024. Accessed May 14, 2024.

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Executive Summary

Gender inequalities contribute to heightened risks of human rights violations, and reduced socio-economic outcomes, especially affecting women, girls and gender-diverse persons. Thus, addressing gender dynamics and inequalities within policymaking and planning can contribute to social and economic empowerment and promote gender equality. Overlooking such considerations can expose persons of different genders to further risks and vulnerabilities and perpetuate or exacerbate inequalities.

The Global Compact for Migration and the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants call for more migration data to be disaggregated by sex and age. Greater collection and use of sex-disaggregated data supports stronger policy making, resource allocation and action to understand and address gaps and inequalities in capacities and vulnerabilities along the migration continuum. However, disaggregating data by gender is important to provide a full picture of gender dynamics in migration, their impact on persons of all genders and to address gender discrimination.