
Intersectional evaluation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different groups: Gender, generational differences and vulnerable groups

Authored by: Hana Spanikova, Maxime Moulac, Panagiota Pavlou et al.

Categories: Global Public Health
Sub-Categories: COVID-19
Region: Europe and Eurasia
Year: 2023
Citation: Spanikova, Hana, Maxime Moulac, Panagiota Pavlous, Laura Vona, and Linus Sioland. Intersectional evaluation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different groups: Gender, generational differences and vulnerable groups. European Parliament, 2023.

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Executive Summary

This study examines the intersections between COVID-19, mental health and socioeconomic stressors in the lives of adolescents and young people, the impact of COVID-19 measures, including lockdowns, on children and vulnerable people, and efforts to tackle violence against women and domestic violence in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned and recommendations for the future (COVI).